Level Nine Sports

Level Nine Sports is an omni-channel adventure sports retailer that sells products through multiple sales channels including 4 storefront locations, marketplace channels (Amazon, eBay, etc.), and levelninesports.com.

I ran the lead on the design for this project and collaborated with an offsite development team to launch an entirely new online store experience for the brand.


Level Nine Sports


UX/UI Design | Brand Design


UX/UI Designer

About the Users

Hobbies Shouldn't Break the Bank

Many outdoor pursuits like skiing, mountain biking, etc. have come with a high cost of entry and the continued cost of upgrading and maintaining equipment.

Level Nine Sports makes outdoor recreation more accessible for individuals who are new to the sport (The Starter Package) and for those who are experienced but don't want to have to be a "ski bum" just to be able to keep skiing (The Weekend Warrior).

The Starter Package

The starter package persona consists of individuals and families who are new to a sport and are trying to enter it with budget in mind.

This persona type has a goal of instilling healthy lifestyle habits by spending quality time in nature with their family and their purchasing habits are influenced by factors like their income and family size.

The Weekend Warrior

The weekend warrior persona consists of individuals and families who are experienced in outdoor recreation but do so with a budget in mind.

This persona has a goal of pursuing their sport as much as they have time and money to be able to do so. Spending time in their outdoor sport pursuits brings fulfillment and happiness to their routine. Their purchasing habits are influenced by factors like their income, and available leisure time.

Problems & Opportunities

Time to Upgrade and Streamline

The website was long overdue for an update to improve the customer shopping experience and the platform technology.

Increasing Conversion with Updated Website and Checkout Flow

Website is lacking desired features for the user such as updated filtering, the ability to create favorites, and add items to a wishlist.

We planned for the new build to use an updated e-commerce platform (Big Commerce) to improve the management of customer orders and include a re-designed shopping experience that increases conversion by giving the users more control.

Reducing Customer Service Calls with the Binding Fit Tool

When a customer buys a ski with a binding, the binding has to be mounted to fit the size, weight, and ability of the skier.

An improper binding mount can result in serious injury and if the binding fit is performed incorrectly, the business can be held liable. Previously, Level Nine Sport's customer service team would reach out individually to all of its customers in order to gather information about the individual who would be riding the skis.

We decided to include a feature that captures this information directly from the customer during the checkout process to reduce the amount of time that customer service agents spent on calls gathering this same information.

Process & Solutions

Design Process

Discovery & Defnintion Methods
  • Competitive analysis of both direct and indirect competitors
  • Stake holder interviews
Development & Delivery Methods
  • Low-fidelity prototyping
  • Stakeholder reviews
  • High-fidelity prototyping
  • Usability testing

Design Solutions

Checkout Flow Improvements

General improvements to the checkout flow were made to improve conversion and increase user control.

Updated Product Search with Category and Product Suggestions
Simplified Product Filtering
Surfacing Product Details Earlier + Adding Comparison Feature
Swatches Over Dropdowns + Ability to Add On Products
Binding Fit Tool

In order to reduce the amount of time customer service agents spend on the phone gathering skier information for binding mounts. We added an additional process/flow into the checkout process to gather relevant skier information for our ski technicians.

Ability to Skip Binding Mount Process Until Later
User Matches the Correct Bindings and Boots for The Purchased Skis
User Repeats Process for Each Applicable Product in Order
Ability to Leave Notes/Specifications for Ski Technician

What's Next?

Improved Experience = Improved Conversion

With the implementation of the new website, level nine has experienced a substantial increase in conversion and sales across the website and a reduction in the time customer service spends with customers to gather binding mount information.

Project Resources

Level Nine Sports Brand Guide

View Brand Guide

Level Nine Sports Live Website

View Level Nine Sports Live Website

Other work

Let's see what we can create together next!

Contact me at codywporter@gmail.com